
National Numeracy Day 2023

17 May 2023

Staff and children at Sandringham celebrated National Numeracy Day by dressing up as their favourite number. We had some creative outfits on display! Children took part in problem solving activities throughout the day to celebrate our love for maths. 

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17 May 2023

We did it!

4 years in a row Sandringham Primary School have achieved GOLD in the School Games Awards!
Our pupils are always eager to get involved in our PE competitions & afterschool clubs and we are very proud of their efforts. Well done Team Sandringham! Can we go for Gold 5 years in a row?

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Domestic Abuse - Survivor Groups

11 May 2023

Face-to-Face Community Support

Domestic Abuse Survivor Liaison Service   

Survivor Liaison Worker ready for referrals

My name is........

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25 April 2023

Here comes RugBees! RFL launches exciting new project for primary school girls  

The Rugby Football League has launched an exciting new project to encourage more primary school aged girls to take up the sport.

RugBees is open to girls aged 7-11 and will be delivered on a weekly basis by club foundations to help them develop their confidence in areas such as catching, passing and kicking – whilst having plenty of fun too. It’s the first Rugby League programme to be developed specifically for primary school aged girls and the RFL has chosen the popular RLWC2021 mascot RugBee to bring the project to life.

Each session will be an hour long, beginning with an introduction to the game’s technical skills and finishing with a non-contact form of the game such as Tag or Touch. Parents and guardians will be encouraged to cheer children on throughout.


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Childrens University - Learning Destinations

19 January 2023

Please click below to see the updated list of learning destinations for the Childrens University. 

If your child has not yet signed up but would like to, please email 

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Trust Christmas Card Competition

02 December 2022

Well done & Good Luck to our KS2 pupils who have been chosen to submit their Christmas Card designs to the Trust competition.

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Be Prepared!

25 November 2022

We are delighted to have been the first host of the 'Be Prepared' pop up stand for Next Gen Physical Education LTD - 16 of our pupils in KS2 have been gifted essential equipment to assist them with their sporting activities.

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Get Bright Day - 18th November 2022

18 November 2022

Pupils at Sandringham Primary School have had a fab day for #getbrightday #BeBrightBeSeen - All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 have made an amazing effort. Even the staff enjoyed dressing up!

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Odd Socks Day

14 November 2022

Odd Socks Day as part of Anti-Bullying week. 

It was great to see pupils embracing all things different. 


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Anti-Bullying Week 14th - 18th November 2022

14 November 2022

This week is Anti-Bullying week. 

Lessons and assemblies throughout the week will focus around this. 


We have a very talent pupil in Year 6 who has kindly designed this poster which will be displayed as a reminder to all pupils throughout school. 

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